M/s. Avris Environment Technologies LLP have installed food waste treatment Biomethanation Plants in slum clusters and corporation schools as part of our projects in peri-urban areas in Hyderabad.
We are happy with the performance of the aforesaid plants as we were able to convert food waste to energy. The biogas is used for cooking, thereby saving on LPG. The slurry generated by the plant is rich in minerals and ideal for enhancing plant growth. This technology is helpful in fuel and money savings for the government schools who are preparing noon meals and helps to keep the school free of organic waste. The slurry from the biogas plants is good manure and it encourages children in developing their own school gardens.
M/s. Avris Environment Technologies have provided a solution and carried out retrofitting of a sanitation facility in a healthcare centre with minimal capex and operational costs at a project site in Kerala.
Avris’ team of professionals have trained our staff on operation and their service during and post installation is highly appreciated.
We highly recommend Avris Environment Technologies LLP for their simple, effective and low cost technology solutions, which are scalable and easily maintainable in any context. We appreciate the professionalism with which the team undertakes the delivery of the technology solution and ensure that the technology adopted is useful to the community it serves.